On the date of 8th April 2012.......

Me & my besties (Anas n Asyraf) had gone for a hiking session during my midterm holiday.
Ohh and not left behind Anas's GF, Aulia also followed us in this hiking thingy.
We were determined to reach at the peak of Broga Hills as fast as possible.

At 5 a.m. our journey had begun & it took about 40 mins (more or less) to reach at Broga.
Without any further delay, we started our mission to arrive at the peak before sunrise..

[ excited feeling overjoy in our bloods... FYI this is my 1st hiking experience (noob)...(^_^) ]

That early morning, the moon was really well-rounded shape which means the light was so bright..
It was a relief for us because we only had 2 torchlights but that were not fairly enough to support us four..
Opss forgot to mention....
We, i mean us the boys, only wore slippers to hike the hills....

( Hahaha... bajet stailo nk conquer Broga pakai selipar..lalala...XD )

Clock ticking,

||||||| tick tok tick tok ||||||||||

Seconds  after seconds, minutes after minutes..
Rocks after rocks, slopes after slopes..

And then, we were managed to reach at all the three Broga Hills peaks...
With only 2 torchers and slippers, the Broga peaks now under our arms..

( OooYeahhhhhh !!~ )

It took only 50 mins for us to reach the last peak..
But don't forget that we only wore slippers...
If we were about to wear shoes, i bet that we'll reach the top 2 times more faster..!!

( This is the truth, not just an empty talk.. No bragging..No offense .... kahkahkah~)

Lucky for us, we were able to witness both the beauty of the full moon and the fresh shine of sunrise at the top hill!!~

What an awesome moment to spend with my besties!
Great midterm holiday after all dudes..
Credit to you both Anas & Asyraf!!

** p/s Asyraf were willing to come from UTP Perak just to go for hiking... Style dude style..XD

The BEST camp i ever had in my life...
It happened during my sem 3 break..
Began from 9 to 11 of February at Sains Machang..
Thanks to all the facilitators, which are also my frens, and to all the 0812 juniors for the commitment..
Without the cooperation from all u guys, the camp wouldn't be so exciting and enjoyable...

We, the facilitators 0408 batch, just being the catalyst for u all juniors ...
It is you guys that made the camp so entertaining and happy-go-lucky mood...
You all are so sporting and well-rounded batch...
We appreciated what you all gave to us..

Hope that all the inputs that we shared with you all can be practiced in your life..!!

behind the scene

***  Adik2 sumenyer layan hbisss n terbaekkk...
     rmai gak yg nk fb n fon no. ak upernyerr..
     n also i got secret admire since long time ago..wowww..

     beyond the expectations!!..
     no offense guys....juz sharing not bragging...
     but the most best thing is...
     i met with my memory thingy...
     all the past memory of me n her came across our minds..
     msing2 bt andaian sndiri n msing2 tkut nk berbicara..
     last2 fb gak jd tmpat utk brbual mesra...
     haiyaaa...manyak mnyesal maa..
     tp ape2 pon sume da settle...alhamdulillah

     everything just got better n better..
     and i think i had let go the best part of me..
     but now it's the time for me to redeem my fault..
     hope it's not too late and never repeat the mistake..

     ni lah watak2 yg ak gtaw kt ats tuu...
     all the 32 facilitators and 0812 junior batch..

     all the best to all of you guys!!


alkisah bermula pabila ak ingin mnaiki bas balik ke UTM stlh self holiday smggu time study week...
rangka msa kjadian ni brlaku pd ptg 30/12/11(Jumaat) hingga pg 31/12/11(Sabtu)..hehe


di tket bas ak tertera dgn nyatanya trikh & masa bas akn brtolak..
ak pon trus la save dlm kpala ak kul 5.30p.m msti da ad trcegat kt platform 6 hntian Kajang..

[tik tok tik tok]
[bang bong bang bong]

maka ak sdah pon ready utk pg ke hntian bas...
jam mnnjukkan dirinya sudah pkul 5.05p.m...
ak pon da mula glisah sbb fmili member ak yg follow ak ke hntian bas ad ag yg xsiap..
lbih krg dlm 10 mnit lpas tuu br la ak brgerak ke destinasi...
kl dr rmh ak ke hntian tu kl bwk speed tahap gaban dlm 15 mnit da smpai...
so ak target 5.30p.m sharp smpai la..
tp apakan daya ..ak hnya mmpu mrncang tp Tuhan yg mnntukan sgalanya..
traffic light mnghalang ak dr smpai tpat pd msanya..

2 traffic lights 2 2 ak smpai time die brtukar jd lmpu merah--haiiyaaaa ]

ak smpai lwat 5 mnit dr wktu bas btolak...
ak smpai tuu ngam ngam ngan bas tu brgrak prgi...
time tu my big bro yg drive kreta...
so ape lg...
ktaorg follow la bas tu kt blkg...
ak plak mncari alternatif laen dgn mnelefon akak bas tu ckp yg ak follow kt blkg bas..
igtkan akak tu nk stop jap bg ak naek...
tp apekan daya, akak tu cam blurr jer time ak gtaw suh die gtaw driver bas tu suh stop...
last2 bas tu xstop & truskan prjalanan & ak pon ptah blik ke kaunter tket bas tuuu nk bt complain skit..
stelah umi ak brbicara dr hati ke hati dgn pnjaga kaunter tuu, last2 die stuju nk arrange bas mlm ni utk ak...
so prjuangan ak utk naek bas bsmbung plak dlm kul 8.00 mlm...
mlm tu ak smpai awl kt hntian tp ad plak mslah laen tmbul...

**ish ish ish dugaan btol da smpai awl pon ad ag problem**

punya la ak tggu dan tggu...
bas yg spttnya kul 8, smpai kul 9...
sejam ak mnunggu..
**jangka msa mnunggu 1mnit = 1jam**
& ak dgn gmbiranya mengangkat beg ak utk mnaiki bas..

[♪, ♫, ♩ jeng jeng jeng ♪, ♫, ♩]

tba2 akak bas dtg gtaw ak bas da full-loaded..
die mtk maaf byk2 sbb xexpect jd cmni...

((double probs come at the same day at the same place))

so once again ak blik ke rmah...
2 trials but all failed..
my big n lil bro ktawa brdekah-dekah krn skali lg misi ak utk mnaiki bas gagal..
ak pon trut sama trgelak dgn diorg...   **kah kah kah berdekah**

then, ak setting balik ngan akak td nk naek bas keesokan pg nya dlm kul 8.30 pg..
die ckap ok...
this is my 3rd trial to ride the bus...   **fuhhhh pnat2**
n akhrnya ak bjya naek bas...
pg tu jgak fmili ak blik klntan htr my lil sis msuk form 1 sklh kt klntn..
so ak mghala ke selatan & fmili ak mghala ke timur..
that's the end of my 2011 story...

       so, moral of the story sblm kta prgi meninggalkan fmili kta,
       biarlah kta dpt mlihat wjah mreka n brsalam-salaman dgn mereka especially parents kita
       time kjadian ni ak xsmpt nk bsalam dgn ayh ak

       sbb ptg spttnya ak naek bas tu ayh ak xpulang dr krja lg
       & mlm tu ak nk slm dgn ayh ak tp xsmpt jgk

       sbb die ad kt dlm toilet time ak nk btolak ke hntian bas
       last2 pg keesokan harinya br ak dpt bsalam dgn ayh ak sblm ak naek bas

       then only i continue my journey to face the final exam of semester 3!!
       and one more thing, kl nk bt krja tu biarlah sntiasa awl pd wktunya,
       don't make it to the last minute coz it gonna blow your heads up sometimes!!

We should never back down to ensure that our dreams and ambitions become reality.
Success is just like a battlefield.
We have to fight till the last breath to make sure our victorious in our hands
and we should never forfeit from the battle.
Even we know we are going to lose but do not ever put that as our conclusion statement
because the failure is not the end of our life.
It is just the beginning of our glorious future life.
We must have faith in every things we r doing, even a little.
Besides, we must realize that our time is limited, so do not waste it by living in someone else's life.
Do not be trapped living with the results of other people's thinking.
Do not ever let the clamor of others' opinions drown out our own premonition.
We have to stand with our principle and follow our heart.
By being ourselves, we know what we are capable of and the others' mocking are not such a big deal to us!!!
Last but not least, even we know that we only have a small chance to succeed, we should never give up because there are still some hopes for us to rise again and try our best to grab the little opportunity.
We just have to try before we saying that we will fail.
We never born straight forward to the complicated one but we begin with the fundamental one to be the one!!

nothing much to say here..juz got an idea...
so i wanna paste it in my permanent blog..no big deal..haha

juz as we know home is the most lovely place that exist in our life...
i admit that not all of us feeling it that way..
but almost everyone agree with this fact...
to be truncated...
home is the freedom of our jolts and problems...
all the tension and pressure thingy should not be allowed to enter home..
if we have carried them for so long on our shoulders...just leave it outside the doors..
that is the best you can do to give the road for the happiness to come through...
it is a matter of time to make you missing your home..
in a short, home is the sugar of coffee for me..!!~

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